Wow! I had a wonderful Easter holyday! Chocolate, trips, mummy all day long with me... (well, I must admit I missed my dad a lot!!!)

I had my Easter lunch at my grandparents' house:

I met their cat Lapo there and I wanted to share My Big Secret with him...

... but he didn't care and he ignored me!

I had a lot of good stuff to eat...

...... but my favourite part was the "dessert time"!!!
I had the traditional Easter cake and many chocolates!

I also received a giant egg!!! Who can be so brave to eat such an huge egg???

Super Cioccobimbo, of course!!!

I know it's wrong playing with the food, but I wanted to see myself with an "alien look"!!!

Today, which is Monday, I went to Siena. I had lunch in a restaurant and then I visited the city:

I went to the cathedral and...

to the biiig circus where the Palio takes place.
I really had a lot of fun with my mum and my uncle!!!
(But I was thinking about my dad all the time!!!)

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